Painters Workshop

Focusing on a single trade, we provide a detailed exploration of Elizabethan art and its craft practices. Painters were skilled craftsmen whose work touched almost every corner of Elizabethan life, from cutting edge scientific discovery, and religious devotions to Inn signs in remote villages….
Tudor Military Training

With no standing army, the defence of the nation relied on the local Trained Bands – a part-time militia made up from labourers and craftsmen of the parish. Our military displays focus upon the experience of ordinary men who were periodically called upon to do their…
Clothing the Elite

Creating the Elizabethan image involves lots of people engaged in all sorts of activities. From those who grind pigments in order to manufacture period makeup, to laundresses standing knee deep in the stream beating and pummelling linen, our members demonstrate the numerous complex processes that…
Town and Trades

Urban life in all it’s variety allows us to explore a range of trades and crafts typical of the Elizabethan era.Tudor skills, materials and methods come together to create a lively and bustling scene where butter wives rub shoulders with blacksmiths.It is a great…
In the Woods

A trip to the woods offers an opportunity to explore many of the traditional crafts of the British countryside. Woodland crafts were essential to Tudor life, providing the fire wood and charcoal that was the nations domestic and industrial fuel. Coppiced poles provided the…
Food and Dining

There’s more to food than you might think. Have a look at this photo gallery of an event we have staged on several occasions for Haddon Hall in Derbyshire. Everybody is interested in food and it’s an accessible way to bring the past to life….