Issues with Inventories

The minutae of detail sometimes present in Probate inventories makes them a useful tool for helping to understand ordinary life. However the interpretation of such information is often imaginative and without due consideration of any limtations of that evidence. In this article I hope…

Re-Enactment – Is it still a Hobby ?

This article was originally written by Mark  on behalf of The Tudor Group for the magazine Echoes Of The Past as a discussion paper on the future of re-enactment. It is reproduced here by kind permission of Mark Goodman and Echoes Of The Past….

A Counter Blast to Machine Sewing – Comments by a 16th Century Tailor

This article was originally written by Mark on behalf of The Tudor Group for the magazine Echoes Of The Past. It was in response to comments about the impracticality of attempting to accurately reproduce period clothing in re-enactment and the preference for machine sewing…